Latest Release: September 7, 2022
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved audio source selection in various modes (noise suppression and stereo)
- FIX: Fixed bug that prevented program-only stream playback
- NEW: Native iPad support with improved handling of landscape screen orientation.
- FIX: Fixed issue with audio from external audio devices not supporting noise suppression
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused Rivet to not recognize some bluetooth audio devices and caused audio glitches in recordings.
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused low video quality issues and compression artifacts in recorded streams. This mostly affected 1080p streams at 25 fps or 50 fps.
- NEW: Added ability to change Rivet settings remotely from the dashboard while broadcasting from iOS device
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved still frame, silent audio, and slow connection detection mechanisms
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused gaps in the contributor and program feed telemetry graphs
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused the current FPS value to not appear in the Rivet dashboard
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused the flashlight button to not work while broadcasting
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused incorrect FPS to display in the Rivet dashboard
- NEW: Ability to hide Rivet Stream information (IP addresses, etc.) from client apps. Use Setting in Rivet Stream Settings to enable this feature
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused audio/video synchronization issues in recorded files
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused recordings to not work if Apple AirPods were used as an audio device during streaming
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused recorded file to not save if the audio source was changed during a streaming session
NEW: Can now download session log files internally.
FIX: Fixed bug that caused bitrate issues with HEVC stream
- FIX: Fixed bug that would restart the broadcast after switching the camera
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused “No SRT connection" status to not be detected.
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused encoding artifacts during broadcasting
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved audio sampling rate handling (44.1 and 48 kHz)
- FIX: Fixed incorrect PTS values returned from compression session
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused the inability to switch to the front camera during streaming session while streaming at 480p or 360p resolution
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused external audio inputs not working on iPhone 12 and newer device
- FIX: Fixed streaming capability with iOS 15
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused a crash and black video preview state upon stream start in some conditions
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused the incorrect view of picture-in-picture player
- FIX: Fixed bug that caused a crash when the audio session was initialized
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved quality of video resizing (Rivet uses bicubic resizing now)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved performance with iPhone 7 (and below) and iPhone 12 devices
- IMPROVEMENT: General stability and reliability improvements
- FIX: Fixed multiple crash conditions in the app
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved behavior with iPhone 12 devices
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused UI to freeze upon headset disconnection
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused static noise upon reconnection of the stream with no external microphone connected
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused blank program feed statistics reporting incorrectly
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused incorrect telemetry data being reported when program feed is disabled in the broadcast
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused an application crash when the connection to the contributor feed can not be established
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused an application crash upon audio session destruction stop broadcast operation
- IMPROVEMENT: Stream availability detection prior to broadcast
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused some program feed only streams to be unable to load
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused a crash when the front camera is used while local recording is enabled
- FIX: Fixed issue that sometimes caused a crash upon stream termination
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused the app to crash when the stream encryption was configured for contributor and program feeds
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused incorrect statistics reports for disconnected program feed
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused telemetry data not to be sent after stream reconnection
- FIX: Fixed issue that caused slow connection status not to be available for program feed
- FIX: Upgraded crash reporting tool that caused crash conditions
- FIX: Implemented minor user-interface fixes for Stream ID feature
- NEW: Compatible with Rivet Pro plan
- NEW: SRT Stream ID support
- NEW: Stereo audio streaming support on iOS 14.X and compatible devices
- IMPROVEMENT: Reintroduced the ability of HEVC streaming
- FIX: Fixed audio/video synchronization in locally recorded files
- IMPROVEMENT: Thoroughly refactored and upgraded video broadcast engine
- IMPROVEMENT: Increased tap area for manual focus/exposure settings
- IMPROVEMENT: Bettered streaming latency on contribution and program feeds
- IMPROVEMENT: Implemented a mechanism to send a blank frame instead of a still frame when video streaming is disabled
- FIX: Fixed issue which caused exposure settings to reset when switching between program and contribution streams in PinP
- FIX: Fixed issue which caused incorrect audio source selection in some streaming scenarios
- FIX: Fixed issue which caused incorrect camera to be used on broadcast start in 360p and 480p resolutions
- FIX: Fixed issue which caused noise suppression to not be applied during first 2-3 seconds of the broadcast
- FIX: Fixed a bug that caused the recording function to not work with iOS version 14 and later
- IMPROVEMENT: Redesigned and improved user interface. Interface has been improved for streams that only have contribution or program feed.
- IMPROVEMENT: Significantly reduced latency of program feed playback
- IMPROVEMENT: Ability to turn automatic echo cancellation mechanism on and off
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved handling of interruptions during streaming (app going to background, phone call, etc.)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved handling of audio capture device switching during broadcast
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved handling of audio capture device disconnection during broadcast
- IMPROVEMENT: Added broadcast duration timer in broadcast window
- IMPROVEMENT: Ability to control program feed latency settings from within the app
- IMPROVEMENT: Input fields validation
- FIX: Fixed issue where mute microphone button was displayed for streams that only have program feed
- FIX: Fixed issue causing app to sometimes crash on stop broadcast
- NEW: Ability to switch between contributor and program feed picture-in-picture views
- NEW: Ability to move picture-in-picture window
- NEW: High-quality local backup recording. Ability to configure resolution and bitrate of local recordings.
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved low-latency playback of the program feed
- IMPROVEMENT: Change default camera stabilizing selection to improve general performance
- FIX: Fixed issue caused program feed playback failure when switching between frontal and rear camera
- IMPROVEMENT: General UI/UX bug fixes and improvements
- NEW: Ability to record a local copy of broadcasted video file to device’s storage
- NEW: Ability to use Rivet without return feed (contribution only mode)
- NEW: Ability to use Rivet to playback SRT feed without streaming (playback mode)
- IMPROVEMENT: Smooth camera exposure control
- IMPROVEMENT: Ability to set passphrase and latency of the return feed independently from contribution feed
- IMPROVEMENT: Smooth transition between frontal and rear camera
- FIX: Occasional application crash when leaving broadcast window
- FIX: Fixed bug caused the black (empty) stream upon Bluetooth device disconnect
- IMPROVEMENT: General UI/UX bug fixes and improvements
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